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Results 6

Article Banners feature in Tiki In this video I’ll show you; How to enable the banners feature in Tiki How to set up a simple banner on a page I’ll show you where are the banners stats for admins and use
Article CMS, what they should do and what should you consider CMS (Content Management System), or the idea of a web application non-techie admin are able to handle emerge rapidly a few years only after Internet was popularized (mid-90s). The number of system "ca
Article Security update: Tiki 15.2, Tiki 14.4 and Tiki 12.9 released! The Tiki Community has released updates to all current versions of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. This update addresses a critical vulnerability found in third-party code that is included with Tiki. The upd
Article Tiki Wiki 15 successfully launched I’m pleased to announce the release of Tiki Wiki 15 , the latest LTS (Long Term Support) version of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware . Tiki Wiki15 brings numerous new features, enha
Article Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 15 is beta ! Tiki next LTS (Long Term Service) generation is almost final and is coming out with excellent report of almost none regression nor problem regarding the dozens of [https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki15|new feat
Article Trackers Feature in #Tiki In this Tiki Express Tutorial I’ll talk about one of main the feature in Tiki , the Trackers . I’ll explain what is the Trackers feature I’ll