Hello, my name is Bernard Sfez, a freelance full-stack developer specializing in Tiki Wiki!
As Project Manager, I guide my customers throughout the journey to a successful website.
Armed with last website development practices, I excel at configuring Tiki Wiki CMS websites and Wiki collaborative applications, including ongoing support, maintaining and upgrading existing Tiki sites.
Collaborative content and knowledge base solutions.
Web applications; custom or ready to use.
Tiki Wiki; Installation, Support and Upgrade.
Expert Child Care Solutions, Patient Portal, Real Estate and Multilingual.
Ready-to-use Apps
Tiki Wiki support
Click on a module to see what it includes.Cloud Hosting and Support
Pricing & Packages
I'm a freelancer and you can hire me for per hour or choose a yearly package.
< Hourly rate
My hourly rate is based on real work and does not include initial brief or research. My invoices report date and time details and I log each session to calculate the time spent on each task. For long term-projects I can setup an extra layer of control per task so each task has its own scope, comments and duration thresholds. I work on a win/win basis and "best work delivery" compared to "fastest work delivery"... worth a thousand words. This picture worth a thousand words.
< Bank hours
Working hours are based on the work done through flexible system implying mutually agreed tasks. Without annual subscription resources are better utilised and allowing a better control it spare from wasted paid hours. You have also a better control as currency exchange value (updated regularly) may modify the base price. Hour within an Hours Bank can be used up to 1 year after the purchase. The hours can be used for studies, investigations, configuration, development, maintenance, installation or team coordination.
< Flat price yearly packages
My yearly and web apps packages include everything you need from the start to the end. The price and the tasks covered have been selected based on a long customer satisfaction tradition. As you pay ahead for a year I include a nice discount so it makes this fair for both sides. And, should you need a little extra, we can just add another couple of hours at my hourly rate.Cloud Hosting and Support
- 3h project coordination
- Cloud hosting setup
- MariaDB installation
- Control panel setup
- Git repository
- SSL certificate setup
- Tiki Installation
- Initial parameters
- Website publication
- Tiki performances
- Security settings
- Major upgrades
- Monitoring
- Daily Backups
- 1h Support (monthly)
- 12 month hosting
Tiki Express Tutorials
I'm publishing tutorials to help new comers and developers on Tiki Wiki.
to my youtube channel to be notified when I publish a new one.
What I'm made of ?
I have a positive attitude, analytical thinking and out of the box approach as needed. I'm curious, I like to build things and to push the limits.
I'm a hard worker, determined and passionate with enough experience to consider risks and objectives in an evolving market. People like to work with me because I increase the amount of positive vibrations in the work place. I don't consider a problem a bad thing, but an opportunity to improve or enhance. I have strong morals and ethics and I'm someone you can trust. My customers and friends knows I uphold respect and loyalty in life as fundamental values.
What I'm good at ?
Entrepreneurial and result-oriented I'm able to manage a project from end to end. Using multidisciplinary approach and with 20 years of experience in internet and digital communication I address challenges with modern and effective solutions.
I serve customers and achieve long terms goals working with segmented tasks list for a better control of the cost and the development timeframe. I'm involved in FLOSS and open-source projects and an active contributor to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware (Consultant and Project Administrator).
Skills && Strengths_
- Determination to achieve objectives turning problems into opportunities.
- Ability to analyze, understand and consider the needs and limits of the client's organization.
- Solution designer including architecture, process and technical specifications.
- Ability to sit on the user side to properly (UI/UX) design solution and workflow.
- Capacity to apprehend global impact while planning architecture and writing specifications.
- Proven ability to communicate and coordinate development teams (local or global).
- Committed and partner my approach is win/win: "the success of your project is also mine".
- Rich artistic and sportive life nourishing an inventive brain and can-do attitude.
What's caught my attention lately (blog) ?
Interesting and easy to digest information thoughtfully curated or created by me.
How to upgrade to Tiki Wiki 27 (new Build System)
01/06/2024 21:40 -The Tiki 27+ Build System marks a significant evolution in the way Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware handles its development and deployment processes. This article aims to guide you through the essential steps and provide solutions, even as the process continues to stabilize.
You've read enough,
let's talk 😉
Contact me to schedule a meeting to discuss how I can help with Tiki or a web app project.
Bernard Sfez build website support Tiki and offer ready to use solutions
Bernard Sfez build websites support Tiki and offer ready to use solutions
build websites and ready to use solutions
content management driven websites building