
Compétences et Clients

Spécialiste Tiki Wiki

Je suis l'auteur des Tutoriels Tiki Express publiant régulièrement des guides vidéos pour aider les autres utilisateurs dans mon espace blog et notes.

Fournissant un support effectif, j'aide utilisateurs et clients à maîtriser Tiki Wiki, le générateur d'applications web. Profitez de ma solide expérience et de mes qualités de coordinateur, et laisser moi vous aidez à définir et prioriser vos besoins en définissant une feuille de route réaliste menant au succès de votre projet.

Un site Tiki Wiki peut-être rapidement mis en ligne avec de simples fonctionnalités comme un Blogue ou un Forum. Mais la force de ce logiciel réside dans l'utilisation conjointe de fonctionnalités avancées telles que les Trackers, CustomSearch, Tiki Shopping Cart, etc. TCes fonctionnalités avec l'addition d'outils ou de technologie telles que l’Index Unifié, les champs d'évaluation et de calcul, les modèles Smarty ou ElasticSearch, peuvent être utilisées pour créer de puissants et complexes systèmes de gestion de données.

Mes services couvrent les besoins des petites/moyennes entreprises ou associations pour créer, supporter, mettre à jour et maintenir une solution Tiki Wiki. Développeur Fullstack, j'ai une longue expérience dans la formation et l'assistance aux utilisateurs ainsi que dans le dépannage, l'optimisation des serveurs et des paramètres de base de données pour votre solution Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. Sur hébergement partagé, dédié ou cloud, j'améliore les paramètres et la sécurité, j'examine les installations existantes, j'aide à la mise à jour du logiciel. Mes compétences me permettent de proposer un service de migration pour déplacer vos contenus depuis d'autres CMS/ERP vers Tiki Wiki.

Membre de l'équipe de développement depuis 2004, j'ai été coordinateur des publications de nouvelles versions durant plusieurs années. Connaissant bien Tiki Wiki et travailleur indépendant, je fournis des services de support et aide les administrateurs à mettre à jour et à niveau toutes les anciennes versions jusqu'à la plus récente. Je suis un des administrateurs de Tiki Wiki CMS groupware (Open Source). Je travaille également activement à organiser la communauté, à assurer le contrôle qualité et à coordonner conjointement cet immense projet (centaines de contributions mensuelles de la part de centaines de développeurs du monde entier). Je suis un Spécialiste Tiki Wiki et mes connaissances aideront votre organisation à mettre en ligne votre projet avec succès!


J'ai mentionné les technologies avec lesquels je travaille au quotidien en mettant de côté celles que je n'ai pas à mentionner car elles sont évidentes (TCP / IP, Shell Scripting, etc.) ou celles que je n'ai pas utilisées récemment (IIS, C # / .net, Perl, Red Hat, etc.).

Clients et Partenaires

Voici quelques noms d'entreprises et de partenaires qui m'ont fait confiance pour les accompagner à améliorer leurs activités et leurs projets. Cette liste n'inclut pas les entreprises sensibles avec lesquelles je travaille (je dispose d'une habilitation de sécurité délivrée par les industries IMI).

A private Tiki Wiki ((community|Community App)) that enables sharing and collaborative publishing on the club’s website. We manage the club's server, security, custom theme, and overall Tiki performance and maintenance.
A private Tiki Wiki Community App that enables sharing and collaborative publishing on the club’s website. We manage the club's server, security, custom theme, and overall Tiki performance and maintenance.
Members management based on a ((siteBuilder|Tiki Wiki)). Upgrade of a customised Tiki since version 12 and up. Complete overhauling of the settings and optimisation of the parameters.
Members management based on a Tiki Wiki. Upgrade of a customised Tiki since version 12 and up. Complete overhauling of the settings and optimisation of the parameters.
Maintenance and upgrade of the ARISTOTLE scientific publishing system powered by Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware that collect and consolidates information to Hazard Leaders and the European Emergency Agency.
Maintenance and upgrade of the ARISTOTLE scientific publishing system powered by Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware that collect and consolidates information to Hazard Leaders and the European Emergency Agency.
Ness, among Israel's leading Information Technology and Digital service providers, is a valued partner for delivering Tiki Wiki solutions to its current clients and subsidiaries, as well as for developing new solutions.
Ness, among Israel's leading Information Technology and Digital service providers, is a valued partner for delivering Tiki Wiki solutions to its current clients and subsidiaries, as well as for developing new solutions.
Quick Source provide tailored services including infrastructure management, data management, cyber security, cloud, digital transformation and software development including Tiki Wiki solutions to the French and European market.
Quick Source provide tailored services including infrastructure management, data management, cyber security, cloud, digital transformation and software development including Tiki Wiki solutions to the French and European market.
Cloud hosted kindergarten solution based on Tiki Wiki including registration, kids, team and payment management, see : ((kindergarten|Kindergarten App)).
Cloud hosted kindergarten solution based on Tiki Wiki including registration, kids, team and payment management, see : Kindergarten App.
Mix of ((community|Community App)) and ((knowledge-database|Knowledge Database App)) that allow private collaboration between groups. Configured on Tiki using Trackers, automation and templates.
Mix of Community App and Knowledge Database App that allow private collaboration between groups. Configured on Tiki using Trackers, automation and templates.
((Tiki Wiki specialist Bernard Sfez|Tiki Wiki)) very old version upgrade including UTF-8 multilingual encoding conversion, MySQL fixes and Image Gallery to File Gallery.
Tiki Wiki very old version upgrade including UTF-8 multilingual encoding conversion, MySQL fixes and Image Gallery to File Gallery.
((Tiki Wiki specialist Bernard Sfez|Configuration)) of a multilingual survey questions evaluation on a collaborative Wiki using Tiki trackers and Smarty templates.
Configuration of a multilingual survey questions evaluation on a collaborative Wiki using Tiki trackers and Smarty templates.
On going support and updates of a ((Tiki Wiki specialist Bernard Sfez|Tiki Wiki)) intranet for a collaborative Wiki using Tiki structures and calendar on shared hosting to coordinate Medical Team.
On going support and updates of a Tiki Wiki intranet for a collaborative Wiki using Tiki structures and calendar on shared hosting to coordinate Medical Team.
((knowledge-database|Database Knowledge)) private information site for the Israeli National Infrastructure Coordination System company.
Database Knowledge private information site for the Israeli National Infrastructure Coordination System company.
Company design adaptation (bootstrap) on a ((siteBuilder|Tiki Wiki)). Feature configuration, updates and on-going support.
Company design adaptation (bootstrap) on a Tiki Wiki. Feature configuration, updates and on-going support.
Linux and Virtualmin hosted kindergarten solution based on Tiki Wiki including employee and payment management, see : ((kindergarten|Kindergarten App)).
Linux and Virtualmin hosted kindergarten solution based on Tiki Wiki including employee and payment management, see : Kindergarten App.
((real-estates|Real estate solution)) hosted on LightSail Amazon and based on Tiki. It includes a gateway to AC3 main database (French assets advertising) to pull data daily.
Real estate solution hosted on LightSail Amazon and based on Tiki. It includes a gateway to AC3 main database (French assets advertising) to pull data daily.
((knowledge-database|Knowledge Database App)) solution implemented on EC2 Instance (AWS) including original bootstrap template integration, Tiki Support and server management.
Knowledge Database App solution implemented on EC2 Instance (AWS) including original bootstrap template integration, Tiki Support and server management.
Tiki Wiki and ClearOs hosting, Knowledge Database development with interaction with community tools like forums and training internal system. See : ((knowledge-database|Knowledge Database App))
Tiki Wiki and ClearOs hosting, Knowledge Database development with interaction with community tools like forums and training internal system. See : Knowledge Database App
Tiki Wiki eLearning project, support courses templating, customSearch and ElasticSearch. See : ((knowledge-database|Knowledge Database App))
Tiki Wiki eLearning project, support courses templating, customSearch and ElasticSearch. See : Knowledge Database App
((Tiki Wiki specialist Bernard Sfez|Tiki Wiki)) website, consulting, support, training and reports configuration.
Tiki Wiki website, consulting, support, training and reports configuration.
Quick deployment of a web portal based on ((siteBuilder|Tiki Wiki)) software with video live feed and smart device application integration.
Quick deployment of a web portal based on Tiki Wiki software with video live feed and smart device application integration.
On going support and updates of a ((siteBuilder|Tiki Management System)) for the Service de Placement Emploi Montréal. Automated notification of users based on tracker conditions and matches.
On going support and updates of a Tiki Management System for the Service de Placement Emploi Montréal. Automated notification of users based on tracker conditions and matches.
Upgrade of a ((siteBuilder|Tiki)), optimising for Bootstrap and adding an OpenStreet map project based on dynamic data from trackers. Added communication and mail server action based on map event dates.
Upgrade of a Tiki, optimising for Bootstrap and adding an OpenStreet map project based on dynamic data from trackers. Added communication and mail server action based on map event dates.
Hosting management on SiteGround and data transfer from Joomla to ((siteBuilder|Tiki Wiki)) including style adaptation, SEO optimising and ongoing support.
Hosting management on SiteGround and data transfer from Joomla to Tiki Wiki including style adaptation, SEO optimising and ongoing support.
Consultant and Architecture of an WiFi Access solution that allow advertising based on location and information monetization
Consultant and Architecture of an WiFi Access solution that allow advertising based on location and information monetization
Highly secured and complex permission pattern designed ((knowledge-database|Knowledge Database)) built on Linux RedHat server and ((siteBuilder|Tiki Wiki)) using Wiki pages
Highly secured and complex permission pattern designed Knowledge Database built on Linux RedHat server and Tiki Wiki using Wiki pages
Project coordinator to develop API and ((siteBuilder|Tiki Wiki)) dashboard to manage and transfer shipping data from ERP to Logistic mainframe
Project coordinator to develop API and Tiki Wiki dashboard to manage and transfer shipping data from ERP to Logistic mainframe
Project manager, global team coordinator to develop and publish a Payment Gateway module useable into open source projects
Project manager, global team coordinator to develop and publish a Payment Gateway module useable into open source projects
Multi-currency shopping cart, extended catalog management based on Ocado (UK) and local customers account management on Linux dedicated servers. See : ((shopping|Shopping App))
Multi-currency shopping cart, extended catalog management based on Ocado (UK) and local customers account management on Linux dedicated servers. See : Shopping App
Support and Digital Ocean droplet server admin yearly package to support Tiki Wiki application and users
Support and Digital Ocean droplet server admin yearly package to support Tiki Wiki application and users
Support and consulting on data and knowledge base
Support and consulting on data and knowledge base
Git repo setup, upgrade and support for a Tiki project on shared hosting
Git repo setup, upgrade and support for a Tiki project on shared hosting
Tiki Wiki project with ClearOs hosting, adapting templates from previous website and support.
Tiki Wiki project with ClearOs hosting, adapting templates from previous website and support.
Tiki Intranet Project, design and configuration for the Human Resources department and internal communications
Tiki Intranet Project, design and configuration for the Human Resources department and internal communications
Tiki Intranet Project Management, ERP for the accounting department
Tiki Intranet Project Management, ERP for the accounting department
Website Theming from Photoshop file using CSS3, JS Query and Javascript.
Website Theming from Photoshop file using CSS3, JS Query and Javascript.
Project/Product manager to provide a remote video solution for smartphone (HomeLOOK)  for Orange Europe
Project/Product manager to provide a remote video solution for smartphone (HomeLOOK) for Orange Europe